Hillsboro Tel: (503) 648-1713 · Newberg Tel: (503) 538-0466

Digital X-ray

X-rays help determine whether a bone has been fractured or damaged by conditions such as trauma, an infection, arthritis, or other disease.

Common uses for X-rays of your feet:

  • Evaluate changes in the bones from fracture, infection, arthritis, or other bone disease.
  • Assess whether a child’s bones are growing normally.
  • Locate foreign objects (such as pieces of glass or metal) in a wound.
  • Determine whether bones are properly aligned and healing after treatment for a fracture or following surgery.

We have incorporated in-office digital X-ray, so you don’t need to go elsewhere, and we can immediately see them, so no waiting either!

Digital x-ray images allow us to see much greater detail compared to old school film.  So, no waiting, no need to go elsewhere to get an x-ray, and we will have an immediate, accurate reading we can use to treat you at the visit.

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(503) 538-0466
(503) 648-1713